
Like new again: working methods for cleaning carpets from blood, chocolate, grease

Maria Tsikhotska

Like new again: working methods for cleaning carpets from blood, chocolate, grease
A liquid dishwashing liquid will help quickly remove coffee stains from the carpet

Even if there are no small children or animals in the house, stains from soup, wine, coffee or other liquids can appear on the carpet. To prevent the stain from getting into the fibers of the carpet, it must be removed as soon as possible.

UaPortal has collected effective carpet cleaning methods.


To remove blood stains from carpets, mix one tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and two cups of cold water. Take a clean white cloth, and blot the stain with a solution of water and detergent until the stain disappears. If this method did not help, take one spoonful of ammonia with half a glass of warm water and wipe the stain with the prepared solution.


If the carpet is stained with chocolate, take a dull knife and scrape off as much chocolate as you can. Vacuum the carpet to pick up all the pieces. Next, take ¼ teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and 1 cup of warm water, mix, and apply the solution to the stain using a clean cloth. Move from the edge of the stain to the center. Leave for 5-10 minutes, and wipe.

Read also: How to wash the stove.

Coffee or tea

To remove coffee or tea stains from the carpet, take 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent. Mix it up. Blot the stain with a clean cloth, then gently apply the mixture to it. Leave for a few seconds. Wash off the solution with water.


To remove grease stains, take baking soda and sprinkle it on the dirt. Leave for 6 hours. Then vacuum. Do not use carpets made of wool and silk. To remove stains from delicate fabrics, it is better to use special chemicals.

We will remind you that UaPortal already wrote about how to quickly clean an apartment.

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