
How to keep your bread fresh: useful flyhacks

Vladyslav Moskalenko

How to keep your bread fresh: useful flyhacks
How to keep your bread fresh: useful flyhacks

Learn about the freezing technique and how to restore the freshness of stale bread to make it taste good again. UAportal has prepared some tips that will help to keep bread fresh and tasty for a longer period of time.

Proper storage

The freshness of bread can be prolonged by  a proper storage. It is important to make sure that the bread has cooled down completely before putting it in an airtight container. You should not store bread in the refrigerator as it  can cause it to dry out.

Read also: What to do to keep bread from getting stale for longer: tips from bakers

Freezing method

Freezing bread is another efficient cooking method that is effective. You can slice the loaf before putting it in a freezer bag, removing the air from the bag. When ready to eat, the bread can be thawed at room temperature or toasted for a quick and convenient way to enjoy the fresh product.

Reconstituting stale bread

Stale bread can easily be refreshed with a simple technique. Sprinkle a small amount of water on the crust of the bread, then bake it in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for a few minutes. This method uses steam to soften the bread, making it taste freshly baked again.

As a reminder, bread can be substituted for Indian flatbreads made from whole-grain atta flour. Their uniqueness is that chapati (as these flatbreads are called) can be eaten on their own or filled with different fillings.

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