
How to use shampoo in everyday life: 3 unusual life hacks

Maryna Gramovych

How to use shampoo in everyday life: 3 unusual life hacks
How to use shampoo in everyday life. Source: pixabay

UAportal has prepared life hacks on how to use shampoo in everyday life. Learn about unconventional ways to use it and what products it can replace.

Cleaning surfaces

In addition to washing dishes and laundry, shampoo can serve as a multi-purpose surface cleaner. By dissolving a small amount of the product in water, you can wipe down countertops, bathroom surfaces, and car interiors, leaving behind a fresh scent.

Stain removal and odor elimination

Shampoo's stain removal and odor elimination properties make it a surprisingly effective substitute for laundry detergent. In particular, you can mix the shampoo with water and apply it directly to the stained area. When traveling, using shampoo for laundry becomes a convenient solution when you don't have traditional detergent on hand.

An alternative to dish soap

Using shampoo as an alternative to dish soap can be practical when you run out of your regular supply. Its detergent properties effectively remove grease and dirt from dishes. In addition, for makeup brushes, a mixture of warm water and a small amount of shampoo can be an effective way to remove dirt and bacteria from the bristles.

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