
Three life hacks on how to properly freeze vegetables, mushrooms and greens

Vladyslav Moskalenko

Three life hacks for freezing vegetables, mushrooms and greens
How to properly preserve their taste and nutritional value. Source: www.pexels.com

Freezing food is a convenient way to enjoy it during the winter months. It allows you to preserve their flavor and nutritional value, ensuring that they can be enjoyed even when they are out of season. Uaportal has prepared recommendations on how to properly freeze vegetables, mushrooms and herbs for the winter.


When freezing vegetables, it is important to process them beforehand. This will help preserve the color, texture, and flavor of the vegetables. To do this, boil them for a short period of time, then transfer them to ice water to stop cooking. After that, they can be packed in containers or bags and stored in the freezer.

Read also: How to freeze vegetables for the winter for first courses: step-by-step instructions


Freezing mushrooms requires a slightly different approach. They should be thoroughly cleaned and any dirt or debris removed. The mushrooms can be cut to the desired size.

Then they should be fried in a small amount of vegetable or butter until they are tender. Once they are completely cool, put them in molds or bags. Frozen mushrooms can be used in soups or stews.


Freezing greens is a great way to preserve their freshness and flavor. Start by washing the herbs and drying them. Remove tough stems and discolored leaves. You can chop the greens finely or leave them whole, depending on your preference.

Place the greens in ice cube trays and fill each compartment with water or olive oil. Once frozen, place the cubes in bags or trays. These cubes can be easily added to dishes during cooking.

We have already written how to prepare sweet cherries for the winter.

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