Five exciting action movies: a selection not to be missed

Action movies are a fascinating style that offers viewers an adrenaline rush. UAportal has compiled a list of five action movies that will definitely keep the viewer in suspense.
Black Panther
IMDB rating: 7.3
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-fi
Country: USA
Duration: 2h 14min
Year: 2018
Produced by: Kevin Feige
T'Challa, the newly crowned King of Wakanda, must protect his country and his people while dealing with internal power struggles. With the help of his allies, including his sister Shuri and former lover Nakia, T'Challa must fight to keep his throne and save his people.
The mission is impossible: The Aftermath
IMDB rating: 7.7
Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 2h 27mins
Year: 2018
Producer: Tom Cruise, J.J. Abrams
Ethan Hunt and his team are tasked with retrieving stolen plutonium before it falls into the wrong hands. When the mission goes awry, they must race against time to prevent a global catastrophe while being pursued by a CIA agent who may have their best interests at heart.
Read also: The evolution of horror movies: how the genre has changed
Avengers: Infinity War
IMDB rating: 8.4
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science fiction
Country: USA
Duration: 2h 29mins
Year: 2018
Producer: Kevin Feige
The Avengers and their allies must unite to stop the villain Thanos from obtaining the six Infinity Stones and using them to destroy half of all life in the universe. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, the avengers must make sacrifices and take risks to save the future.
Deadpool 2
IMDB rating: 7.7
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Country: USA
Duration: 1h 59mins
Year: 2018
Producer: Simon Kinberg, Ryan Reynolds
Deadpool, a wisecracking mercenary with a healing enzyme, creates a team of mutants known as X-Force to stop time-traveling villain Cable from killing a young mutant with the ability to summon fire.
John Wick 3
IMDB rating: 7.4
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Country: USA
Duration: 2h 10min
Year: 2019
Producer: Bezil Ivanyk
John Wick is on the run after being suspended from the Privy Council. A bounty has been placed on his head, and he has to make his way out of New York and seek help from an old friend to clear his name and survive.
Earlier, UAportal prepared a list of the five best comedy films released in the period from 2006 to 2010.
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