Weather forecast in Kyiv for March 10: precipitation can be expected in the evening

UAportal has prepared a detailed weather forecast in Kyiv for March 10. It is based on data provided by
The general forecast for the day is moderate temperatures with a chance of light rain in the afternoon. The minimum temperature is expected to be +1 degree Celsius, and the maximum temperature during the day will reach +8 degree Celsius.
For most of the day, the temperature should remain around +3 degrees Celsius due to winds of 5.1 m/s from the northwest. In addition, cloudy sky that could bring light rain or snow in the evening is forecast.
When dressing for the day, it's important to stay warm but not overdress due to the moderate temperatures. It is also important to keep an umbrella handy.
Sunrise on March 10 is expected at 6:23 a.m., and sunset is expected to be around 5:53 pm.
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