Why you can't praise babies: prohibitions and superstitions about children

UAportal prepared an article about superstitions and prohibitions concerning children in Ukraine. Superstitions and taboos play an important role in shaping cultural identity and maintaining cultural continuity.
In Ukraine, it is believed that a baby should not be praised, otherwise, it will get sick. Newborns should not be shown to anyone except the closest relatives during the first forty days after birth. The reason for this belief is that the baby to other people can attract evil spirits that can harm the child. In addition, it is customary to tie a small red ribbon on the child's clothes to scare away the evil eye.
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Another superstition still widespread in Ukraine is that a child cannot be named after deceased relatives. It is believed that this can bring misfortune to both the child and his relatives. The name of a deceased person can be used, but only after a year has passed since the day of his death.
In Ukraine, it is also believed that children should not be allowed to whistle or sing indoors, as this can bring financial difficulties to the family. It is also not recommended for children to eat while standing, as this can cause digestive problems.
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In Ukraine, there is a widespread opinion that a child cannot be photographed, especially without permission. It is believed that pictures of children can photograph their souls and make them vulnerable to evil spirits. This belief has led to the fact that some parents do not dare to post photos of their children on social networks.
In Ukraine, it is also customary not to cut a child's hair until he reaches a certain age, usually 1 year. This is due to the fact that the child's hair contains part of his energy, and cutting it too early can negatively affect its development.
Previously, UAportal wrote about why you can't give flowers in a pot, as well as about omens and superstitions associated with the arrival of guests.
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