Where did the popular superstition about the black cat come from?

Superstitions are deeply rooted in many cultures, and Ukraine is no exception. UAportal prepared an article about one of the most famous superstitions in Ukrainian culture – the black cat.
The superstition associated with black cats goes back centuries. In ancient times, people believed that witches could turn into black cats, making them a symbol of evil and bad luck. This belief was especially strong in Ukraine, where the cat was considered a spiritual animal with mystical powers.
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Despite the association with bad luck, in some cultures, black cats were considered a symbol of good luck. For example, in ancient Egypt, black cats were revered as sacred animals and believed to bring good luck to their owners.
Examples in the literature
The superstition associated with black cats appears in many works of Ukrainian literature. One of the examples is the story "Black Cat" by the Ukrainian writer Volodymyr Vinnichenko. In this story, the black cat is used as a symbol of the deteriorating mental state of the main character, who becomes more and more consumed by his paranoia and fear of the cat.
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Another example is the poem "Black Cat" by the Ukrainian poet Lesya Ukrainka. In this poem, the black cat is used as a symbol of the main character's fears and anxieties as she faces her mortality and the unknown mysteries of life.
Modern attitude
Despite its long history and cultural significance, attitudes toward black cat superstitions have changed over time. Although some still believe that black cats are harbingers of bad luck, many people now consider them to be just another type of cat with no particular power or significance.
In modern Ukrainian culture, black cats are often depicted in art and media as cute and cuddly animals, rather than symbols of evil or misfortune. This shift in outlook reflects a broader trend toward rationalism and rejection of superstition in society.
We will remind you that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine played a significant role in the formation of the cultural identity of the country. Therefore, UAportal talks about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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