Interior mistakes that can ward off bad luck: throw these things away before it's too late

The energy of the environment, including the objects in your home, can have a significant impact on your well-being and overall atmosphere. While people often focus on creating beautiful and cozy interiors, they often overlook the energy aspect. UaPortal has told you about a few interior mistakes that can turn your luck away.
Get rid of "dead" things
We know that old, torn, and broken things bring negativity to life. However, it's important to remember that even new, expensive, fashionable, and beautiful items can radiate bad energy if they are not used or do not bring joy.
Think about your gifts that you are ashamed to throw away, but at the same time, that do not bring you any joy. For example, a gifted vase that stands on the table without causing pleasure quickly loses its positive energy and begins to take energy from the people around it. Such things should be given away, sold, or thrown away to eliminate their negative influence.
Beware of "cursed" things
These are items given or received without sincere heartfelt intentions. For example, a gift from a person who dislikes you or a purchase made out of obligation or a friend's bad mood.
These things absorb the negative energy of the person who gives them and subsequently attract misfortune into the home. Although a person may feel obligated to thank the gift, deep down, it does not resonate with true happiness.
The influence of "crooked" mirrors
Do not hang a mirror directly opposite the front door, and do not place two mirrors opposite each other, as they may reflect sleeping people. It is important to choose a place where it will reflect something beautiful, such as a park outside the window or a tastefully painted wall.
Mirrors have the ability to absorb energy, often negative energy, so they should not be placed where strangers often pass by or where they reflect unattractive elements, such as garbage, torn wallpaper, or a dull wall.
Earlier, UaPortal shared the superstitions why trees should not be planted near a house.
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