When to plant peonies to get flowers for spring: basic tips

When it comes to bright and extravagant flowers, few plants can match the peony. These stunning flowers, which can reach the size of a dinner plate, will become a real decoration of any garden. UAportal has compiled recommendations on how to successfully grow peonies, including key information about their types, planting, care and general issues.
Types of peonies
There are three main types of peonies: herbaceous, tree-like and intersectional hybrids. Herbaceous peonies are known for dying back to ground level in winter, while tree peonies retain their woody framework during the colder months. Cross hybrids are a cross between tree and herbaceous peonies, although they may not be as widely available as the other types.
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Growing conditions
Peonies thrive in moist, well-drained soil and need constant sunlight. For varieties with large flowers, it is important to provide support to prevent them from drooping. Herbaceous peonies can be propagated by dividing them in autumn, while tree peonies are better suited for propagation by cuttings.
Planting peonies
It is best to plant bare-root peony seedlings as soon as you receive them. Autumn or spring are ideal seasons for planting. Try not to plant them too deeply, as this can lead to poor results.
Beforehand, work plenty of well-rotted organic matter into the soil. In the spring, add a balanced fertiliser to promote healthy growth. Avoid overwatering newly planted peonies as this can lead to the death of the plant.
Caring for peonies
Herbaceous peonies should be pruned heavily in autumn, cutting them back to ground level. Tree peonies, on the other hand, do not need pruning, but it is recommended to remove faded seed heads in autumn. Allow the leaves to fall off naturally in autumn instead of cutting them off.
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Solving common problems
Peony buds often attract ants, but rest assured that they will not harm the plant. One of the most common problems is peony wilt - botrytis, which causes the stem to rot. To prevent this, do not plant peonies too close together. Remove leaves with dark spots to minimise the spread of the fungus.
Tips for buying peonies
If you want to add peonies to your garden, take the following tips into consideration:
- Peonies take time to establish themselves, so consider buying larger plants for a more impressive look.
- While garden centres offer a variety of peony varieties, specialist gardeners may offer a wider selection.
- Before buying or unpacking a peony, check it for signs of damage or pests.
Earlier, we named the 10 most common mistakes you can make when growing hydrangeas.
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