How to behave on a first date: five important rules

The first date is a very important stage in a romantic relationship, on which the future communication between two people depends. UAportal has prepared five rules that should be followed at the first meeting to make sure you continue a pleasant communication.
Be a good listener
Show genuine interest in the other person's stories, thoughts, and experiences. Don't interrupt the other person's experience or dominate the conversation. Active listening shows respect and creates a positive impression of you.
Avoid controversial topics
While it's important to have meaningful conversations, it's best to avoid controversial topics on a first date. This includes politics, religion, or anything else that could lead to an argument. Focus on light and pleasant moments to maintain a comfortable atmosphere.
Be honest and authentic
It is impossible to build trust without honesty. It is important to be yourself and not pretend to be someone else. This way, you will see each other without masks, which will allow you to appreciate each other's liking.
Respect personal boundaries
Pay attention to the other person's body language and signals. Avoid invading personal space or causing discomfort. Always ask for consent before initiating any physical contact.
Remember phone etiquette
Keep your gadget in silent or vibrate mode. Avoid constantly checking your notifications. Pay full attention to the interlocutor, showing your interest.
Earlier, UaPortal shared how to save a marriage.
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