
How to remove a stain from lacquered wooden furniture: Five useful tips

Vladyslav Moskalenko

How to remove a stain from lacquered wooden furniture: Five useful tips
How to remove a stain from lacquered wooden furniture. Source: pinterest

When it comes to caring for lacquered wooden furniture, it is very important to deal with stains using appropriate methods to avoid damage and maintain its quality. UAportal has prepared tips to help you with this.

Use mild soap and water

Mix a small amount of mild soap with warm water and gently wipe the stain with a cloth. Do not use abrasive materials as they can damage the surface of the furniture. After the stain is removed, dry the area thoroughly to prevent possible water damage to the wood.

Using baking soda and water

For more stubborn stains on lacquered wood furniture, a paste of baking soda and water can be a highly effective method. Apply the mixture to the stained area and leave it on for a few minutes, then gently wipe it off with a soft cloth. The abrasiveness of baking soda will help remove the stain without damaging the varnished surface.

Use vinegar and olive oil

Another effective method of removing stains from lacquered wooden furniture is to create a mixture of vinegar and olive oil. Vinegar helps to remove the stain, while olive oil nourishes the wood and restores its luster. Apply the mixture to the stained area, leave it on for a few minutes, and then gently wipe it off with a soft cloth.

Use an industrial wood cleaner

Look for a product specifically designed for lacquered wood and follow the instructions carefully. Such products often contain mild solvents and emulsifiers that can effectively remove stubborn stains without damaging the furniture's finish. Remember not to overuse chemical cleaners, as this can damage the lacquered surface of the furniture.

Professional restoration

Professional restorers have the experience and specialized equipment to remove stubborn stains while ensuring the integrity of the furniture's lacquered finish. This approach is especially appropriate for valuable or irreplaceable interior items.

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