
How to keep warm if there is no central heating: five options

Maryna Gramovych

Effective methods of keeping heat in the room
Effective methods of keeping heat in the room. Source: freepik.com

If your home doesn't have central heating, don't worry. UAportal has prepared several ways to help you stay warm.

Use heaters

These portable devices are designed for local heating and can be a cost-effective solution for a small area. When using them, make sure they are located as far away from flammable materials as possible and are on a stable surface. Also, always turn off the heater when you leave the room or go to bed to prevent accidents.

Insulate the room in advance

Insulation helps keep heat inside the room and prevents cold air from entering. You can insulate a room by taping the gaps around windows and doors.

Additional insulation on the walls and ceiling can further increase the efficiency of heat retention. Insulating your home also reduces energy consumption.

Dress warmly

Layering your clothes can help keep your body warm. Wear a base layer made of heat- or moisture-resistant fabric, followed by a warm garment, such as wool or fleece. In addition, use warm fabrics for bedding, such as flannel or fleece sheets, which will make a big difference in your comfort during the night.

Use natural heat sources

Opening the curtains or blinds during the day can let in sunlight, which naturally warms the room. In addition, keeping interior doors open will help to distribute heat evenly throughout your home.

Use electric blankets or heating pads

These devices provide direct heating to the body and can be especially useful on cold nights. However, it is important to use them carefully and follow the manufacturer's instructions. Do not fall asleep with an electric blanket or heating pad on and never place it under other bedding or furniture.

Earlier, UaPortal shared how to create atmospheric lighting in an apartment.

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