
How to easily remove iron stains from fabric: Three useful life hacks

Vladyslav Moskalenko

How to easily remove iron stains from fabric: Three useful life hacks
How to remove iron stains from fabric. Source: pinterest

UAportal has prepared inventive methods using common household items to help remove iron stains from fabric. In particular, you will need the tools you have in your kitchen.

Vinegar and salt

Make a mixture by combining equal parts of white vinegar and salt, then apply it to the iron stain and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. After the product has worked, you can wipe it off with a damp cloth. The abrasiveness of the salt combined with the acidity of the vinegar can effectively remove iron marks from the fabric.

Lemon juice and sunlight

You can soak the iron marks with lemon juice and then place the garment in direct sunlight. After you leave the item in the sun for a few hours, the stain should lighten. After that, the garment can be washed as usual.

Hydrogen peroxide

Dampen a cloth with hydrogen peroxide and gently apply it to the stain to deeply clean the burnt fibers. It is important to leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it with cold water. If necessary, the process can be repeated until the iron mark becomes invisible.

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