Homemade no-bake sweets that won't affect your figure: simple recipes

Homemade sugar-free sweets are a healthy alternative to store-bought sweets. They are based on healthy dried fruits, nuts, and oatmeal. You can also add dark chocolate. The sweets do not require baking and will take you a minimum of time.
Read also: How to make jelly with apple and pumpkin
Oatmeal and nut candies
For cooking you will need:
- nuts - 75 g
- chocolate - 40 g
- raisins - 45 g
- maple syrup or honey - 85 ml
- dried cranberries - 30 g
- peanut paste - 1 tsp.
- oatmeal - 65 g
Blend all the ingredients in a blender (not until completely chopped). Form the mixture into balls. Roll in sesame seeds, coconut or chocolate.
Candies "Prunes with almonds"
For cooking you will need:
- Prunes - 200 g;
- Almonds (roasted or raw) - 50 g;
- Dark chocolate - 100 g;
- Butter - 3 tbsp.
How to cook:
Grind the almonds and prunes separately in a blender. Mix the resulting masses and form balls. It is better to work with gloves or with hands moistened with water.
Put the balls in the freezer for 15 minutes. Melt the chocolate and add the butter.
Coat the candies with chocolate and put them in the freezer for another 5 minutes.
Also try making pumpkin and onion pancakes and pumpkin cheesecakes.
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