
What to do if a mercury thermometer breaks and why you shouldn't sweep it up with a broom

Vladyslav Moskalenko

What to do if a mercury thermometer breaks and why you shouldn't sweep it up with a broom
What to do if you break a mercury thermometer

Anyone can break a mercury thermometer, and UAportal has prepared important recommendations on how to effectively handle this situation. These safety and proper cleaning steps will help reduce the risks associated with mercury exposure.

Ventilate the room and leave it

If you have broken a mercury thermometer, the first and most important step is to evacuate the room. Mercury vaporizes at room temperature and can be dangerous if inhaled. Open windows and doors to ventilate the room and minimize exposure.

Read also: Brush, water, and paper: a chemist explains what to do if a mercury thermometer breaks

Do not touch mercury

Avoid direct contact with spilled mercury to avoid skin absorption or accidental ingestion. Mercury easily breaks down into small droplets, making it difficult to localize. Use gloves or any tools, such as a piece of cardboard or plastic bag, to handle the mercury without direct contact.

Gather the necessary materials for cleanup

To safely clean up spilled mercury, gather the following materials: latex or nitrile gloves, eye protection (goggles or safety glass), Ziploc bags or airtight containers, cardboard or hard paper, duct tape or tape, and a flashlight.

Collect visible mercury droplets

Carefully collect visible mercury droplets using stiff paper or cardboard. Do not sweep or push the mercury droplets as this may cause them to disperse and spread further. Place the collected mercury droplets in a plastic resealable bag or airtight container.

Read also: What to do if a mercury thermometer breaks: how to remove mercury at home

Use tape to collect small drips

Use adhesive tape or duct tape to collect small droplets or hard-to-reach areas. Press the tape onto the mercury droplets, gently peel it off, and place it in a sealed plastic bag or airtight container. Repeat this process until all visible mercury is collected.

Check for residual mercury

Even after removing visible droplets, residual mercury may remain on surfaces or crevices. Use a flashlight at a slight angle to detect any remaining droplets. If any are found, repeat the droplet removal process until the area is free of mercury particles.

Dispose of mercury properly

Contact your local environmental or health department to learn about proper mercury disposal methods. Some municipalities have special drop-off sites or hazardous waste centers where mercury can be safely disposed of. Never dispose of mercury in the regular household garbage or pour it down the drain, as this can harm the environment.

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