What happens if you eat an egg with two yolks: prohibitions and superstitions

Prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine have been an integral part of the cultural heritage for centuries. Passed down from generation to generation, these customs and beliefs have become an important aspect of everyday life. UAportal has collected some household and family superstitions common in Ukraine
Knock on wood
In Ukraine, there is a widespread superstition to knock on a tree after making a wish or expressing a positive thought to prevent bad luck.
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Spill salt
It is believed that if you spill salt on the table or the ground, it will bring bad luck. To neutralize the negative impact, it is customary to throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder with your right hand.
In Ukrainian culture, eggs are considered a symbol of life and fertility. It is believed that if a person eats an egg with two yolks, it is a sign of good luck and prosperity.
Interpretation of dreams
In Ukrainian culture, it is commonly believed that dreams have meaning and significance. There is a belief that bad dreams can be avoided by placing a piece of bread or garlic under your pillow before going to bed.
Previously, UAportal wrote about why you can't give flowers in a pot, as well as about omens and superstitions associated with the arrival of guests.
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