+11, but strong wind: Weather forecast in Kyiv for March 14

UAportal has prepared a detailed weather forecast in Kyiv for March 14. The Information is based on the data provided by weather.com.
On this day, the minimum air temperature will be +4 degrees Celsius, and the maximum will reach +11 degrees Celsius. The wind will be at 8.6 m/s, blowing from the northwest, with a humidity level of 38%.
A look at the weather forecast shows a dense cloud cover that will create a gloomy atmosphere throughout the day. There is also a slight chance of precipitation during the day.
The temperature will be comfortable but not too warm or cold, so it is recommended to dress in several layers. The wind speed is strong enough to cause some discomfort.
Sunrise is expected at 6:15 a.m. and sunset at 5:59 p.m. After sunset, the temperature drops significantly.
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