
Scientists in the United States have found a new way to destroy cancer cells

Bylim Olena

Scientists in the United States have found a new way to destroy cancer cells
Doctors will be able to fight cancer tumors more effectively

A team of researchers from UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center has discovered an important epitope on the CD95 receptor that can trigger cell death. This new ability to trigger programmed cell death could open the door to improved cancer treatment.

CD95 receptors, also known as Fas, are called death receptors. These protein receptors are located on cell membranes. When activated, they emit a signal that causes cells to self-destruct, according to

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The researchers found that this epitope is key to the cytotoxic signaling of Fas, as well as the anti-tumor function of CAR T cells. CAR T cells are a type of immunotherapy in which a patient's T cells are genetically modified to attack tumor cells.

This discovery has the potential to develop new antibodies that activate Fas, selectively kill tumor cells, and potentially support CAR T cell therapy for solid tumors.

"This is an important discovery that could lead to a new way of treating cancer," said Jogender Tushir Singh, associate professor of medical microbiology and immunology and senior author of the study. According to him, scientists can use this information to develop new drugs that may be more effective and less toxic than existing treatments.

As a reminder, the new type of cancer spreads like a virus.

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