
Experts named the top 3 most disobedient dog breeds

Maria Tsikhotska

Experts named the top 3 most disobedient dog breeds
Corgi and Beagle are difficult to train

Raising a dog turns out to be a much more difficult task than it might seem at first glance, Ukr.Media reports. Some dogs have a difficult temperament and are quite difficult to train.

This was reported by


At first glance, they seem defenseless, but in fact they can be destructive if they get bored. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to their upbringing to prevent them from becoming uncontrollable. It is also important to make sure that these four-legged friends always stay active.

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In general, they are good-natured, but not always ready to listen to the owner's commands. It is necessary to show firmness and determination in their upbringing, as well as to encourage them to be physically active so that their energy does not turn into destructiveness.

Jack Russell Terrier

They are characterized by a curious and playful nature. To handle them, you need a firm hand from the owner and enough attention and play. Otherwise, they can be harmful. They listen to the owner's commands every other time.

We have already written what to do if the dog eats grass.

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