
Six universal tips for successful job interviews

Maria Tsikhotska

Six universal tips for successful job interviews
Interview is an important stage before hiring

An interview is a very important stage in the job search process. Sometimes, even good specialists cannot pass it because of excitement. UaPortal will tell you how to successfully pass the interview.

Present yourself

Tell an interesting story about yourself, turning the facts from your CV into an interesting story. Do not go into unnecessary details and be concise. To do this to the best of your ability, practice at home.

Don't forget about brevity

The employer cannot allocate hours of their time to interview you, so be brief and tell them about yourself in 3-5 minutes. Some employers require you to keep it to 1-2 minutes, so practice at home to be on time.

Pay attention

Listen carefully to the employer during the interview: he often talks about his company and how he sees his future employee in a particular position.

Therefore, you can add something from his story when answering questions. This will show the employer that you are a good listener and can put the right emphasis.

Study the company's information

If you show that you know the company's information during the interview, it will give you extra points. In addition, it will allow the employer to understand that you are serious about working for this particular company.

Read also: Five reasons to leave an interview immediately: signs of toxic leadership

Prove yourself

Give examples from your professional life that showcase you at your best. Therefore, talk about your achievements on the work front.

Turn your disadvantages into advantages

During the interview, you may be asked about your good and bad points. And while the first one is easy to deal with, the boss doesn't want to slander himself. Therefore, show the employer that your shortcomings are advantages, because you are ready to work on yourself.

To recap, we have already written about how not to fail an interview.

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