
Don't delay: gardeners explained what to do now to protect your lawn from diseases

Anastasia Kryshchuk

Don't delay: gardeners explained what to do now to protect your lawn from diseases
What to do now to protect your lawn from diseases

Winter is just around the corner, so there are small jobs that need to be done in the garden. This includes getting rid of leaf piles.

When the leaves are wet, it's bad for the grass. This is reported by

When rain soaks into the leaves, it adds an extra layer of moisture to the lawn. The water can then saturate the grass underneath and damage its growth.

Read also: Gardeners explained which plants should not be planted in the fall: they will not withstand frost

This can even mean that fungal diseases begin to form. You need to give the grass enough room to breathe, which means that it will be free of leaves, moss, and debris.

The lawn expert also advised to avoid raking the lawn while it is wet, as this can damage the grass. The rake can also get stuck in the wet soil, which will damage the lawn.

Fallen leaves can be used in the garden for other purposes, making the work even more useful. They can be used as mulch around trees and other garden plants.

As a reminder, we've shared 5 useful tips for caring for indoor plants in the fall.

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