
Can be harmful to health: which flower should not be kept at home

Diana Bondarenko

Can be harmful to health: which flower should not be kept at home
Why you shouldn't keep an orchid at home

Orchids are flowers that everyone has at home. However, this plant can cause health and well-being problems, especially for those prone to allergies. It would seem that an orchid can decorate a room with its exquisite beauty, but it is worth knowing that this flower can be an enemy for allergy sufferers.

This was reported by Pixel. Orchid pollen is known to act as an allergen that can cause several unpleasant symptoms.

Цatery eyes, coughing. headaches and fatigue are just a few of them. In particular, medical studies have found that orchid pollen can also exacerbate existing respiratory conditions.

Read also: 7 important things to consider when choosing an orchid for your home

If you do choose this plant for your home, it is important to follow certain safety precautions. For example, experts advise not to keep an orchid in the bedroom or on the dining room table, where it can become a source of polluted air.

As a reminder, inexperienced gardeners make many mistakes when caring for an orchid. That's why we told you how to grow these beautiful flowers to enjoy long and abundant flowering.

We also talked about the causes of sticky drops on orchids and how to solve this problem.

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