
Better than in the store: How to make homemade paprika from peppers

Ihor Romanko

How to make your own pepper paprika at home
How to make your own paprika from pepper at home

A Ukrainian blogger has shared a useful recipe on how to easily make natural pepper paprika at home, which will be no worse than store-bought.

The author of the video on her YouTube channel "Visiting Tanya" emphasized that the process of preparing this nutritious seasoning is extremely simple and takes very little time.

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According to her, it is best to use thin-walled peppers of any color to make paprika.

First, you need to peel the pepper from the seeds and core, cut it into small pieces, and then dry it with a dehydrator. It is noted that this process takes approximately eight hours. It is important to periodically move the containers in the dehydrator to ensure that the peppers dry evenly.

When the pepper is dry, it can be ground with a blender to produce high-quality paprika.

The author of the video emphasized that the taste of homemade paprika is different from the one you can buy in the store. She noted that it has a pleasant sweet taste and a wonderful pepper flavor.

According to her recommendations, such homemade paprika can be successfully used for cooking meat dishes, soups and borscht, giving them a unique taste and aroma.

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