
What to do to make green avocados from the store ripen faster: a simple life hack

Ihor Romanko

What to do to make avocados ripen faster
What to do to make avocados ripen faster

Avocados are often sold in their green state, when they are still hard and not ready to eat. This is not a problem, however, as green avocados can be ripened at home. There are several quick ways to ripen an avocado overnight or in just a few minutes.

Read also: How to properly place a plate in the microwave to ensure that food is heated evenly

Similar to ripening tomatoes on the windowsill, avocados can also ripen. In summer, you just need to leave the fruit until it becomes soft. In the cold season, you can wrap it in foil and place it on the windowsill next to the radiator.

You will need a paper bag or an apple, tomato, or banana:

  1. Put the green avocado in a paper bag with another fruit (or fruits) that will give off ethylene, which promotes ripening;
  2. Seal the bag and leave it at room temperature for a night or two, depending on the degree of greenness of the fruit.

Tip: It is important to use an opaque paper bag, as the avocado can start to rot if you use a cellophane bag.

You can also soften the avocado in the oven. This method will take about 10 minutes:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C and turn it off;
  2. Wrap the avocado in foil and place it in the oven for about 10 minutes;
  3. Let the avocado cool and remove the foil.

You can also make avocados soft in boiling water. This method is faster than using the oven and takes less time:

  1. Make a few fork pricks in the fruit, as well as shallow cross-shaped cuts at the base and stem;
  2. Place the avocado in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it so that it completely covers the fruit;
  3. Leave the avocado in the boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then remove it and check for softness;
  4. If necessary, leave the avocado in the boiling water for another 2-3 minutes.

You can also make avocados soft in the microwave. The fastest way to ripen an avocado is as follows:

  1. Make several punctures in the fruit from different sides using a fork;
  2. Place the avocado on a plate, cover it with a plastic lid (note that the avocado may explode) and microwave for 30 seconds;
  3. Remove the avocado, check its softness and, if necessary, microwave it again for 30 seconds.

It should be noted that this method, as well as using the oven, can lead to a slight loss of avocado flavor.

As a reminder, we already wrote how to quickly and easily clean a microwave oven with lemon juice.

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