Salary or pension: How working pensioners can avoid losing benefits due to employment

In retirement, many older people decide not to leave their jobs forever and look for opportunities to be active and earn money, whether out of necessity due to small pensions or because they want to remain active and useful to society. Regardless of the motives, working pensioners often count on additional income.
Read also: What pension payments will increase along with the increase in the minimum subsistence level in 2024
The publication "On pension". tells about the case when pensioners have to choose between salary and pension payments.
After the pensioner has decided to continue working, it is important to keep in mind that in some cases he or she can be suspended on the receipt of pension payments. The question arises as to why does it happen and what the rules are for receiving a pension and salary at the same time.
Depending on the type of pension and the working activity of the pensioner, there are different conditions for receiving pension payments. For example, for pensioners who are entitled to a long-service pension, the condition is the cessation of work and not working at other jobs. To receive such a pension, the pensioner must cease to be able to work. In case of employment, the pensioner must notify the Pension Fund of Ukraine and suspend the pension while working, and it will be resumed on the day following the end of the work contract.
In other cases, when the pension is not related to length of service, the pensioner can quietly work at a job or engage in other activities without stopping receiving pension payments. This means that pensioners can combine pension with salary and have no restrictions on receiving both types of income.
We will remind, the expert on social policy Andrei Pavlovsky told, whether the size of the minimum pension will change until the end of 2023.
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