
The lawyer explained whether it is possible to refuse mobilization due to religious beliefs

Anastasia Kryshchuk

The lawyer explained whether it is possible to refuse mobilization due to religious beliefs
Is it possible to refuse mobilization due to religious beliefs

There are many religious currents in Ukraine, some of them forbid the carrying of weapons. However, can this serve as a reason to refuse mobilization.

Diana Skumadchuk, a junior lawyer in the practice of military law at Prykhodko and Partners, explained whether a conscript can refuse due to religion. She told RBC-Ukraine about this.

According to the Constitution of Ukraine, citizens who have religious beliefs can fulfill their duty to protect the Motherland by performing non-military alternative service. Formally, such citizens are part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but they must not participate in hostilities.

Read also: How many people are planned to be mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces: the answer of the People's Deputy

Thus, a citizen has the right to refuse military service due to religious beliefs. However, for this it is necessary to prove:

  • belonging to existing religious organizations in Ukraine, the creed of which directly forbids its followers to take up any kind of weapons;
  • the sincerity of one's belief with consistent actions and evidence (for example, going to church for several years, constant donations to the church, etc.).

"If the citizen proves these facts in practice in court, he will be able to avoid criminal responsibility for evading mobilization under Article 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine," the lawyer explained.

Among the religious teachings that directly forbid their followers to take up any kind of weapons:

  • Reformed and Seventh-day Adventists;
  • Evangelical Christians and Evangelical Baptist Christians;
  • martyrs and witnesses of Jehovah;
  • charismatic Christian churches and churches equated to them according to registered charters;
  • Christians of the evangelical faith and churches equated to them according to registered statutes;
  • society of Krishna Consciousness.

We will remind, previously Stefanchuk explained whether 18-year-olds will be mobilized in Ukraine.

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