Always do one simple thing: What to do to keep your car steering wheel from getting hot in the sun

The summer season is usually associated with vacations, fresh berries, fruit, and other joys of life. But for drivers, it is often associated with a hellish heat inside the car.
Read also: How to fall asleep quickly in the heat: from the Egyptian method to the right position
Especially if the car has been left in the sun, the steering wheel is the first to heat up, which can lead to unpleasant and painful driving sensations. But there is a very simple way to solve this problem.
It is recommended that you turn the steering wheel so that its lower part is on top before leaving the vehicle and return it to its normal position when you return to the vehicle.
In this way, the important side of the steering wheel will remain in the shadow of the dashboard while driving and will not heat up to an unacceptable temperature.
Earlier, we wrote about interesting and unusual ways to cool down in the summer. For example, in India, they use special mats made from a plant known as vetiver. These mats are constantly moistened with water, which evaporates and cools the room.
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