
Doctors explain what happens to your body after eating food with mold

Bylim Olena

Doctors explain what happens to your body after eating food with mold
Mold on products

Foods that show the slightest sign of mold or mildew should be thrown in the trash immediately. They should also not be given to pets.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, some types of mold can produce toxic substances known as mycotoxins, which can cause respiratory problems, dizziness, and nausea. But this does not apply to specialty cheeses with mold, for example. They are "infected" with beneficial bacteria.

Nutritionist Lillian Creggs-Dino says that mold found on spoiled food can be dangerous. After eating it, a person may experience shortness of breath, nausea, fever, or diarrhea.

Read also: Can you eat bread with mold: what doctors say

"Allergic reactions can be delayed - or they can occur immediately. It depends on what kind of mold it was," she said.

She added that mold develops on food sometimes unnoticed. In small doses, it will not lead to significant health problems.

She advises to immediately dispose of food that has already been contaminated. Because mold spores are airborne and circulate in the environment, looking for a "hospitable place to land."

"When the spores find a suitable host, they start growing. Signs of mold include white spots, stains of an unusual color, or food that is softer than usual or smells bad. But while it's tempting to scrape off this "fluff" and eat the food anyway, it may not be the best decision. There is no way to know by looking if mold is safe or harmful," the expert added.

Dr. Creggs-Dino adds that some molds can also produce dangerous substances called toxins, including aflatoxins, which can be particularly poisonous. "These are extremely dangerous to human health. They can actually cause death," she warned.

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Foods to throw away if they show signs of mold:

  • Soft vegetables and fruits such as cucumbers, tomatoes, and peaches.
  • Meat products.
  • Yogurt.
  • Jams and jellies.
  • Peanut butter.

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