Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier told what signs they believe in at the war front

Pavlo Wyshebaba, a military man and a poet, spoke about some of the prejudices and beliefs that exist among the military. Although many of them are perceived as prejudices, he noted that they are important for many soldiers, as they help to maintain psychological comfort during service.
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The military man told about this in an interview on the Youtube channel of Masha Eforosinina. Among these beliefs, there is a rule not to make public statements that you are lucky. The military man believes that such statements can bring trouble, so they avoid such comments.
Also, many fighters never give up the amulets and memorabilia that family and friends passed on to them. Even if these amulets are many and hard to carry with them, soldiers try to keep all the angels and crosses handed to them.
Another characteristic of the military men is that they get away from planning events ahead. Pavlo Wyshebaba said that he thinks about the future two weeks ahead at most, as circumstances on the front lines can change very quickly.
These customs and beliefs may seem a bit unusual, but for the military, they become part of their lives and help them maintain a psychological balance during difficult moments during their service.
Recall, we have already written what omens about money really work.
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