The world's largest 140 million years old dinosaur bone found in France

During archaeological research in France, scientists found a large dinosaur femur of incredible size, almost equal in size to a human. The weight of this bone is approximately 508 kilograms. Presumably, this creature belonged to a species of dinosaur similar to Patagotitan, which is considered to be one of the largest animals that ever lived on Earth. Scientists have not yet identified the name of this particular dinosaur species.
This was reported by the Daily Star.
According to research conducted by paleontologists, this bone belonged to a creature that existed about 140 million years ago. Unfortunately, the complete dinosaur skeleton was not found. However, a fragment of the pelvis was found next to the femur, which probably had muscles and tendons attached to it.
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Paleontologists have expressed their excitement about the find, especially the large pelvic fragment, which is perfectly preserved. This fragment is of great importance for understanding the structure and life of this ancient creature.
The dinosaur bones were discovered in the municipality of Angeac-Charente. which is one of the richest places in Europe for archaeological finds of this type. About 7,500 bones belonging to 45 different species of dinosaurs have been found here since 2010.
As a reminder, an ancient city dating back to the Akkadian Empire was discovered in Iraq.
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