
In the US, a bear climbed into a house, ate chops and then escaped through a window (video)

Bylim Olena

In the US, a bear climbed into a house, ate chops and then escaped through a window (video)
A bear climbed into a house in the United States. Source: Screenshot from the video

In the United States, a bear tore out a window on the ground floor and got inside the house, but fortunately, all the residents were at work at the time. The incident occurred in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

According to a report by FOX31, the bear showed extraordinary ingenuity to get into the house, but then faced a problem, as it could not figure out how to get back out. He tried several times to fly through the window on the top floor, but did not have the courage to jump.

Read also: In Ecuador, a huge bird rammed into an airplane windshield on the fly and got stuck in it (video)

Ryan McFarlane, the homeowner, said he was at work when he learned about the unusual visitor. He said that the bear broke a window on the first floor, got inside and "enjoyed" the pork chops that the man had prepared for dinner, as well as found goodies in the pantry and turned over the plants. It seems that the bear was just spending time enjoying the food and exploring the room.

When the bear got into the bedroom, it locked itself inside and tried to get out through the window. Fortunately, one of the police officers opened the bedroom door so that the bear could leave the house.

"I was worried that there would be a lot of damage and the repair costs could reach thousands of dollars. It all went through my mind. But fortunately, this time everything was fine. I'm grateful to the bear for behaving like a guest," said McFarlane, the homeowner.

As a reminder, in Kenai, Alaska, a wild moose ran into a movie theater when the staff opened the door to ventilate the room. The animal ate some popcorn and left.

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