Hellenistic family altar over 2000 years old discovered in Italy (photo)

An altar from the late Hellenistic period (approximately 1 century BC) was discovered in the Segesta Archaeological Park in Sicily. It was found just a few centimeters below the surface during land clearing works in the area of the South Acropolis.
The altar is a sculptural stone structure in the shape of a truncated pyramid, decorated with carved moldings and reliefs. There are small round moldings along the base, and in the center is a relief piece topped with baskets overflowing with flowers and fruits, according to The History Blog.
At the top of the altar is a terracotta brick, horizontally with Ionic spirals at each end. This was probably intended to hold relics or memories of family heroes or ancestors.
Read also: Scientists have shown how a "vampire" who lived in the XVIII century could look like (photo)

The second associated piece found nearby was either a smaller altar or possibly a support for a cult statue. It has a roughly worked surface, which facilitates the adhesion of plaster.

At least three sides were originally covered with plaster and probably painted. The upper part has a stucco cornice and a horizontal surface, like the larger altar. Both parts were intended for family worship, not for public celebrations.

Earlier, researchers successfully recreated the image of a 16-year-old girl from the 7th century whose remains were found near Cambridge. In addition to reconstructing her appearance, the scientists analyzed her bones and teeth, establishing that she was born in Central Europe and moved there in early childhood.
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