
A well-preserved Roman city discovered in Egypt

Maria Tsikhotska

A well-preserved Roman city discovered in Egypt
Ruins of the ancient city

On the southern coast of Egypt, in the city of Luxor, archaeologists have discovered an ancient city of the Roman Empire, which is amazingly well preserved.

This news was reported by representatives of Egypt Today.

According to the information, an Egyptian archaeological expedition discovered family burials of the Thirteenth Dynasty of the Second Intermediate Period during excavations at the Dra Abu al-Naga cemetery located in the western part of Luxor.

This important archaeological find has revealed new aspects of the most important ancient Egyptian city on the eastern bank of Luxor. This city played the role of the successor to the ancient city of Thebes.

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During the excavations, archaeologists also discovered residential buildings, two pigeon towers that were built in the second and third centuries, as well as craft workshops for metal processing. Inside the workshops, they found pots, flasks, pottery, grinding tools, and Roman copper and bronze coins.

Earlier, during the previous excavation seasons, archaeologists found amphorae, saddles, bronze coins and archaeological icons dating back to different historical eras.

As a reminder, copper and clay figurines were found in a ruined ancient temple in Greece.

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