Lose success: why you shouldn't chase spiders out of your home and kill them

Folk omens claim that spiders can bring good luck and protection. Therefore, one way to interact with these inconspicuous guests is not to kick them out of the house. In this article, you will learn why this is important and how to properly treat spiders.
Radiotrack writes about it.
Spiders are useful insects
Spiders play an important role in the ecosystem. They are natural regulators of harmful insects. Most spiders spend time weaving a web that serves as a net to catch ants, mosquitoes, and other disease vectors. Some species of spiders that may be found in your home feed on mosquitoes. If you kill spiders, you leave your home without this natural defense.
Spiders are symbols of success and protection
According to popular beliefs, spiders bring success to homes and their webs retain positive energy. By killing a spider, you can lose some of your success. And if you mistreat the insect while killing it, it can cause you to lose your success forever.
According to beliefs, killing a spider can also bring diseases upon you. If a spider comes down from a height on a web, you should not harm it - it could lead to the loss of a gift or good news. Killing a small spider can lead to problems in children.
It is important to keep spiders' weaving webs safe and not to destroy the nests of spider mothers and their offspring. Otherwise, your home may lose protection and success. If you notice a spider on your clothes - it may signal the approach of good news or a gift.
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If the spider fell on the table or on the floor - to an improved financial condition.
If you found a spider in your pocket - wait for material gain. If you noticed a spider crawling on the wall - wait for good news or pleasant guests.
If after waking up you immediately noticed a spider -again, wait for good news. And if spiders began to weave their webs in a new house - it means prosperity and success.
Recall, we have already written what omens about money really work.
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