Scientists have found out how many percent of people believe in ghosts

Of course, many people are convinced of the existence of ghosts - spirits that legend has it that remain on Earth after a person dies.
A survey of 1,000 American adults was conducted in 2021, where 41% of respondents said they believe ghosts exist, and 20% claimed to have personally encountered them. This means that more than 50 million Americans have been exposed to contact with supernatural entities in the United States alone. About it writes Sciense Alert.
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The owner of a retail store is convinced of the presence of ghosts in his store. Asking him about what convinces him, he sends me a lot of gruesome surveillance videos and refers me to testimonies from ghost hunters.
Some of the videos show small balls of light moving around the room. Others display faint voices and loud noises when no living persons are present. Other videos show books falling off a table and groceries exploding off a shelf by themselves.
Such stories are not uncommon. Sociologists investigate various beliefs such as belief in ghosts, aliens, conspiracies and superstitions. But along with other proponents of scientific skepticism, scientists support the principle that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Let's look at three questions from the perspective of critical thinking:
- Is the existence of ghosts possible? People often describe ghosts as supernatural entities that have a physical existence and interact with the world around them. However, no scientific evidence supports the existence of such entities. Most of the observations regarding ghosts can be explained due to physical or psychological factors.
- What is the evidence for the existence of ghosts? Despite various claims of ghost sightings, there is no concrete scientific evidence for the existence of such entities. Most sightings can be explained by other causes such as optical illusions, physical objects, or even fraud.
- Are there alternative explanations? Many ghostly experiences can be explained through various factors such as deception or perceived environmental influences. It is important to realize that beliefs about the existence of ghosts can be heavily influenced by our previous beliefs and cultural context. Therefore, an objective approach and research can uncover rational explanations for many ghost encounters.
Over the centuries, many ships have never returned from a voyage. Some of them are not known about at all. But there are some ships that are the stuff of spooky legends. They are called - ghost ships, about which we have previously written.
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