Scientists found granite on the Moon and explained why it is strange

A massive block of ancient granite has been discovered on the Moon, indicating a previously unknown type of volcanism on this celestial body. According to the analysis, this deeply buried giant mass of solidified magma, known as a batholith, was deposited about 3.5 billion years ago. While such granite formations are common on Earth, they are rare in other parts of the solar system because they require specific conditions to form.
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Unlike the Earth, the Moon has no liquid water and no plate tectonics that contribute to the formation of granite. However, on the reverse side of the Moon, under a volcanic region near the North Pole, anomalous heat was detected by the microwave instruments of the Chinese satellites Chang'e-1 and Chang'e-2. The researchers found that this heat comes from deep inside the Moon, beneath the Compton-Belkovich volcano and is likely due to the radioactive decay of elements in the granite matrix.
Scientists claim that the granite matrix on the Moon is much larger than expected, and this indicates the presence of a large system of magma channels on this celestial body. A large system of granite formations on the Moon requires special conditions, such as a large mantle plume, an abnormally wet pocket or the presence of radiogenic material to generate the necessary heat.
These discoveries help expand our understanding of volcanic processes on the Moon and the nature of the planet itself. Further studies of granite formations and their origin may shed light on the evolution and geological history of the Moon.

As a reminder, astronomers were able to detect a radio signal from a distant galaxy at a distance of 8.8 billion light years from Earth. It may be related to an alien civilization.
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