Scientists from France have figured out how to warn of earthquakes using GPS satellites

It is currently impossible to predict earthquakes. However, two scientists from the Institute for Development Studies and the University of the Côte d'Azur in France have found that GPS satellites can theoretically predict earthquakes several hours before they occur.
This was reported in Space. It was noted that GPS satellites should be 50 times more sensitive than they are now to detect an earthquake precursor.
Around the world, thousands of stations record their GPS positions every five minutes. These observations can allow scientists to detect even minor earth movements.
During the study, the researchers chose locations that are located around known earthquake sites with a magnitude of 7 and above. The scientists analysed how their position changed during the 46 hours before the earthquake occurred. They also calculated how well the actual movement matched the movement they expected to tell them about the earthquake. In particular, these indicators began to coincide when there were two hours left before the start of the tremors.
Despite the success of the study, seismologists are still a long way from turning this into a means of predicting the onset of earthquakes. After all, modern instruments are not good enough to actually detect this movement. To be successful, the equipment needs to be about 50 times more sensitive.
In turn, the scientists' discovery proves that earthquakes are not chaotic and instantaneous phenomena caused by sudden movements of faults. Instead, earthquakes can have precursor elements.
As a reminder, scientists have discovered and proved the presence of a solid metal core in the centre of the Moon, similar to the Earth's core. Studies indicate the presence of a solid inner core with a diameter of approximately 500 kilometres.
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