Florists named 5 indoor plants that provoke headaches

Houseplants play an important role in people's lives, creating a cozy and pleasant atmosphere in apartments. They decorate the interior with a variety of colors and leaf shapes, but not all of them are safe for health.
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Geranium blooms almost all year round under certain conditions. However, its bright flowers have a negative impact on humans. During flowering, geraniums emit an aroma that can cause allergic reactions. Its leaves contain essential oils that can also cause allergic reactions and headaches. This is usually felt when you touch the plant.
Lilies may seem like safe plants at first glance. However, when they bloom, they emit a strong aroma that makes the air stale and can cause insomnia and headaches. Lilies absorb oxygen even during sleep, which can affect the quality of sleep.
Orchids are very popular among housewives for decorating the interior. However, their smell can cause insomnia and nervous system agitation, which leads to headaches. Orchid sap can cause itching, rashes, and nausea if it comes into contact with the skin.
Hydrangea exudes a strong aroma that can also cause headaches. It is not recommended to keep this plant in the bedroom or in rooms with children or animals. Some hydrangea species contain toxic substances such as cyanide.
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The flowering of tuberose leads to unpleasant effects such as headaches, nausea, and even depression. It can also absorb oxygen at night, which can create a lack of air in the bedroom.
Always remember that plants absorb oxygen during the night, so it is recommended to take them out of the bedroom to maintain a healthy sleep.
We have already written about which indoor plants are poisonous.
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