Mysterious creatures that protect their owner from evil: signs related to cats

Cats are mysterious creatures that have accompanied us for thousands of years. They are associated with various signs and beliefs, depending on the region and culture.
This is what Chas Diyiv writes about.
Let's take a look at some of them:
The black cat
A black cat is often associated with bad luck. But in fact, black cats have a special magical power that can protect their owners from evil and disease. In some countries, this sign is considered positive, while in others, it is considered negative.
Cat's eyes
Green eyes indicate that you are approaching the fulfillment of a wish. Blue eyes are a sign of health and harmony in your personal life. Yellow eyes can signal unwillingness or danger.
Cat hair and whiskers
The presence of a white spot on the cat's forehead is considered a good sign. The cat's long and straight whiskers serve as an amulet against crime and loss of something.
Head banging
A cat that bumps its head or nose against a person expresses love and affection. But banging its head against a wall or object can indicate illness or disease.
Read also: Scientists answered why cats do "massage" with their paws
Cat's ears
One erect and one tilted ear indicate the cat's ability to use time and opportunities wisely. Two standing ears indicate a working mode.
Cats and the weather
Cats are said to sense weather changes and may behave unusually before rain. This is probably due to their reaction to the electrical charge in the air before a storm.
Effect of cats on humans
Owning a cat can bring peace, tranquility, and even wisdom. It is believed that cats protect the house from negative energies and spirits.
In any case, cats are amazing creatures that can teach us a lot in life and bring us joy and wisdom. It's important to love your furry friends and enjoy their company.
As a reminder, we have already written why cats like to lie on their owners' feet.
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