Holy week: how to pray correctly for the forgiveness of sins

The Orthodox Holy Week will soon begin. It will last from Monday, April 10, and will end on the eve of Easter - Saturday, April 15. For Catholics, Holy Week (passionate for churchmen means suffering) has already begun, it will last until April 8 inclusive.
Holy Week is considered a time of intense preparation for Easter. A week before the Resurrection of Christ, it is customary to fast and pray intensively. In the week before Easter, believers remember the "passion of the Lord": the betrayal of Christ by Judas, loneliness and prayer until the bloody sweat in the Garden of Gethsemane, arrest, unjust condemnation of Christ to death, instability, and even the rejection of his closest disciples, his way of the cross - the way with the cross on back on Calvary, crucifixion, death on the cross, burial of Christ.
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As theologians say, the first forty days of Great Lent are a time when we go to meet God, and the Holy Week, which is calendarally separated from these forty days by Lazarus Saturday and the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), is a time when God himself goes to meet the U.S.
During Holy Week, churches hold divine services, which are attended by the faithful. Also on these days, believers read the Bible and say prayers for the forgiveness of sins at home.
Daily prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
"Our Father" is read before going to bed.
Daily prayers of Holy Week:
Lord and Master of my belly, do not give me the spirit of idleness, despair, love, and idle talk. Give me, Your servant, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love. To her, Lord, King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, for You are blessed forever and ever.
Prayer to the Lord Jesus Crucified
O Most Sweet Æcyce, my Savior! You came down from heaven to earth, from the nostrils of the Father into the womb of the Purest Virgin; assumed manhood and endured all the labors and patience in order to receive me again into heaven, from which, together with the forefathers, I was expelled because of intemperance. You did not spare your life to revive me because of the sin of the dead. You stood chained to the cross and allowed me to be lifted up on it so that I could see how good, merciful, and gracious you are.
You bowed Your Divine head to kiss me; spread out Your almighty hands to draw me to Your Heart, burning with love. And what do I do about it? Oh darkness, oh my malice! I did not take care of only Your love for me, I did not come, I did not attach myself to You. I loved the premature beauty of this world rather than You, unspeakable, infinite goodness. So today, when I look at You, I also know myself. You are as good, merciful, and self-pitying. And seeing this, fear overtakes me, I fall at Your divine feet and cry with the penitent David: "Have mercy on me, God, according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Your bounties, cleanse my iniquities."
O all-merciful Isyce! You allowed those who come and visit You in this holy Icon to see through the dark: enlighten me with the light of Your grace, so that I can know all my sins. You created a dumb mouth: give me, who is dumb with shame and malice, to confess all my sins with a completely broken heart. You cleansed the lepers on the body: cleanse my soul as well, defiled by the swamp of sin. O Icyce, the abyss of love! Hear the plea of Your servant, whom You redeemed neither with silver nor with gold, but only with Your priceless most holy Blood. Hear me, I cry out with a sigh, and do not turn away Your face from me, so that the enemy of my soul does not say to me again with scorn: "This one has gained a foothold on him." Give me here on earth to always have You in my heart, in my mind, and in my mouth; and then live with You in the Kingdom of Heaven forever and ever, amen.
Prayers for the week:
Great Monday
Troparion, voice 8: Behold, the bridegroom will come in the north, and a blessed servant who will be turned away by his uncle, and an unworthy servant who will despise him. Fornication, my soul, do not burden yourself with sleep, may you not be given over to death and shut yourself out of the Kingdom, but encourage: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, God, have mercy on us, the Mother of God.
Kondak, voice 8: Jacob wept for Joseph's wandering and the good sat on the chariot because the king is respected: because the Egyptian then did not work sweetly, glorified by the Leader of the human heart and the Crown that sends, incorruptible.
Exapostilarius: Saviour, I see Your hall decorated, but I do not have clothes worthy to enter it. Giver of light, illuminate the clothing of my soul and save me.
Great Tuesday
Kondak, voice 2nd: Time, soul, after thinking about the end and being afraid of cutting down the fig tree, work diligently with the talent given to you, wretched, awake, and cry: let us not be outside the limits of Christ.
Great Wednesday
Kontakion, voice 4: More harlot, O Blessed One, having transgressed the law, I did not bring the tears of the clouds to You in any way: but praying in silence, I fall down to You, lovingly kissing Your most pure feet: for leave me alone, for Lord, pay my debts, I call You, Savior: from my bad deeds.
Maundy Thursday
When the glorious disciples were enlightened (enlightened) on the condition of the dinner, then the wicked Judas, with the love of silver, became ill, darkened (went mad), and betrayed You, the Righteous Judge, to the lawless judges. Go away, estates collector (gatherer), having used for this strangulation: run, carried souls, to the Teacher so impudent (run from the insatiable soul, seeing, then she dared to approach the Teacher). What about everyone Good, Lord, glory to You.
The "Cherub Song" and associated verses are replaced by the singing of the prayer:
"Your suppers are secret today, Son of God, accept me as a communicant: for we will not tell your secret to your enemy, nor will you give me a kiss, like Judas, but as a robber, I will confess to you: remember me, Lord, in your kingdom."
Good Friday
Excerpts from the Gospels are read, which are dedicated to the story of the last days of Christ's life:
- from Matthew, chapter 27;
- from Mark, chapter 15;
- from Luke, chapter 23;
- from John, chapter 19.
Troparion, voice 4: You have redeemed us from the oath of the righteous with Your Honest Blood, nailed yourself to the cross, and pierced yourself with a spear, you have carved out immortality in man. Our Savior, glory to You. Translation: You redeemed us from the curse of the law with Your precious Blood: nailed to the Cross and pierced with a spear, You gave people immortality. Our Savior, glory to You!
Kondak, voice 8: For the sake of the Crucified One, come, we will all sing: Because you see Mary on the Tree and said: if you endure the crucifixion, You are My Son and God. Translation: Come, we will sing the Crucified One for us. Because Mary saw Him on the Tree and exclaimed: "Even if You are crucified, You are my Son and God."
Read also: Holy Week 2023: what not to Eat in the last six days of fasting before Easter
Great Saturday
Troparion: Glory to You, our God, glory to You. Good Joseph, having removed Your most pure Body from the cross tree, wrapped it in a clean cloth and, having anointed it with incense, placed it in a new coffin. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. When You, Immortal Life, accepted death, then with the radiance of Your Divinity You killed hell; when You also brought the dead out of hell, all the heavenly forces shouted: "Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to You." And now and forever and ever. Amen.
The angel, appearing in front of the myrrh-bearing wives at the coffin, exclaimed: "Myrrh is suitable for the dead, but Christ appeared as someone else's corruption."
What other prayers to read during Holy Week at home?
With the morning and evening prayers, you can read the Psalms of King David, as well as the prayers of the great books: the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete (250 songs - tropars covering the events from the fall of Adam and Eve to the earthly life of Jesus Christ) and the prayer of St. Ephras.
We will remind you that earlier it became known when Ukraine will celebrate Easter 2023 and whether there will be an additional weekend for the holiday.
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