Should you start a corgi in an apartment: features and nature of the breed

Corgi is a breed of small dogs that first appeared in Wales more than a thousand years ago. They are known for their unique appearance, with short legs, a long body, and a curved tail. Corgis have great personalities, and this makes them very popular dogs.
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Peculiarities of the Corgi breed
One of the best-known characteristics of corgis is their energy level. They are very active and hardy dogs that need a lot of movement and physical activity. They love to play, run and explore the world around them. Therefore, if you plan to have a corgi in an apartment, you should provide them with a sufficient amount of physical activity, including daily walks and games.
However, corgis are not aggressive or prone to unpredictable behavior. They have a very intelligent and resourceful minds, which makes them friendly and easy to train. Corgis quickly understand commands and can perform various tricks. They can also be excellent assistance dogs in various fields, such as search and rescue work, agility, or drug detection work.
Corgis are also known for their relationships with other animals. They have an innate instinct for herding cattle, having specialized in grazing in Wales. This may show in their behavior when they try to chase other animals, including other dogs, cats, or even children. Therefore, it is important to ensure that corgis are properly socialized and trained so that they can control their instincts and have positive interactions with other animals.
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What you need to know before getting a corgi
Regarding keeping a corgi in an apartment, several aspects should be taken into account:
- Corgis need enough physical activity, so you will have to take them for walks regularly, as well as provide opportunities for exercise and games at home or in a special area for dogs;
- Corgis have a high level of intelligence, so they quickly tire of boredom. They need mental stimulation such as playing brain games, riddles, searching for treats, etc. It is important to keep in mind that a lack of physical and mental stimulation can lead to unwanted behavior such as destroying furniture or making excessive noise;
- Corgis have a loud voice and may bark when they are bored, cold, or when their owners are away. This should be taken into account if you share walls with neighbors in an apartment building. Morning and evening walks, mental stimulation, and exercise can help reduce unnecessary noise from your corgi;
- In addition, corgis have a thick undercoat that sheds in the spring and fall. This may lead to the need for regular grooming such as weekly brushing to reduce shedding in the apartment. Corgis can also leave a lot of fur on furniture, carpets, and other surfaces, which may require extra cleaning;
Despite these challenges, corgis can make great apartment companions if given the proper care and attention. They have a fun and lively nature that can make your life more active and full. Corgis are also known for their loyalty and attachment to their owners, which can create strong emotional bonds.
However, before starting a corgi in an apartment, you should carefully consider all the pros and cons of this breed, taking into account their needs for activity, mental stimulation, and hair care. Before deciding to start this breed, it is worth taking into account the costs associated with the purchase and maintenance of a corgi puppy.
The price of a corgi puppy can be high, in particular in nurseries, where the price can start from 25 thousand hryvnias. Although you can find corgi puppies at lower prices on unofficial sites, you should be careful and pay attention to the documents and the origin of the dog.
In addition to the cost of purchasing a puppy, it is important to consider the costs of keeping a corgi. On average, it may take from 3 to 5 thousand hryvnias per month to maintain such a dog. This includes the cost of meals, grooming, outings, and other necessary expenses. In addition, the weak point of corgis is their health, in particular the spine, so you should be prepared for possible medical expenses.
Earlier we wrote about how dogs signal that they are in pain.
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