Sunburn on the skin: what to do if you are burnt

It's important to take care of your skin's health in the summer. Proper sun protection is key, but if you do get sunburned, it's important to know how to restore your skin and get rid of the unpleasant consequences.
This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Health on Facebook. They noted that it is better to prevent sunburn than to deal with the consequences later. In particular, you can protect yourself from sunburn by wearing sunscreen, light and closed clothing and hiding from the sun at midday.
If you still get sunburned or burned by fire, you need treatment, the report said.
Read also: Can protect against cancer: how to choose the right sunscreen
Sunburn. What to do:
- Take a cool shower or make wet compresses for the affected areas
- If you are overheated, put an ice pack on your neck, hips and inguinal folds or make cold compresses for 10-15 minutes.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Call your family doctor if you feel unwell.
- Stay out of the sun until the burn has healed.
Do not apply oil or cream to the affected area and do not use alcohol-containing products. If blisters appear, do not touch them and call your doctor.
As a reminder, heat can worsen health, causing sunstroke or heat stroke. We told you what to do to protect your body from the effects of heat.
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