Take off your rose-colored glasses: the most popular myths about love that worsen relationships

According to psychologists, misconceptions about love do the most damage to relationships. Therefore, they have collected the most common false myths about love that negatively affect relationships.
Opposites attract
This a typical scenario in romantic movies. But scientists say that the likelihood of opposite personalities falling in love is statistically inaccurate. Of course, people who are different from each other can fall in love, but their opposite is not the reason for the feeling. Relationships of opposites are unstable: they add spice to relationships, but suck a lot of energy out of partners, exhausting them.
Childhood dreams
Adolescents have a rather misleading idea of the "right" relationship. They are ready to enter into relationships with manipulators and abusers and believe in "blind love". It is important to be sure that your teenage self does not influence your current relationships.
Till death do us part
Even the most ideal relationships can end. It's normal - people change over time and your partner stops being right for you. Don't get attached to images and attitudes that can only make your relationship and life in general worse.
Women are more romantic than men
In fact, 59% of men believe in love at first sight compared to 49% of women. This is influenced by men's visual orientation. "They see a woman they like physically, which, in turn, triggers the romantic love system faster," says anthropologist Helen Fisher. In addition, men, due to their greater social and economic freedom, may be less pragmatic about marriage.
Passion in a relationship lasts for several years
Previously, scientists claimed that passion lasts 4 years in a relationship, which is how long it takes to reproduce, after which it fades and leads to the separation of partners or a transition to a calmer relationship.
But recently, scientists have conducted a study co-authored by Helen Fisher that shows that some couples experience passion throughout the duration of a relationship. Scans of their brains showed that they feel the same way they did at the beginning of the relationship, minus the obsession and anxiety.
Read also: Scientists have found a way to heal wounds three times faster.
Finding a soulmate
There is no such thing as a perfect soulmate. It's a myth imposed on us by cinema. The only thing that the search for a soulmate does to us is bring suffering. Humanity has entered the era of "self-sufficient marriage," where people rely on relationships for self-respect and personal growth. The search for a soulmate is only disappointing and makes us evaluate potential partners by too high criteria.
As a reminder, scientists have found the cause of hair graying.
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