Listen to music: scientists have found a way to reduce pain without drugs

Scientists from Canada's McGill University have concluded that physical pain can be relieved without medication. This will happen if you listen to "sad" musical compositions.
They published their study in the journal Frontiers in Pain Research. This conclusion was made by scientists during an experiment. They gathered four groups of subjects. Each of the 63 people was given a device that heated their hands as if they were holding a hot cup.
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The first group played tracks they had previously marked as their favorites, the second group played specially selected relaxing songs, the third listened to a random selection, and the fourth group went through the experiment in silence. Participants were then asked to rate the unpleasantness they experienced on a one hundred-point scale.
The results of respondents from the second, third and fourth groups were the same. And participants who listened to their favorite songs rated their pain 9 points lower.
When analyzed more closely, the scientists found that the most pain-relieving effect was in those whose tracks elicited a strong emotional response. They distracted the brain from unpleasant sensations. Predominantly these were touching sad songs. Scientists believe that such music most often causes such emotions.
Earlier scientists found out when people began to bury their dead.
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