Sweet croutons from stale strips: how to cook

If you have Easter leftovers, don't be in a hurry to throw them away, even if they are stale. Instead, try a few options to turn stale bread into a delicious meal.
To begin with, try to cut beeswax into pieces and dry them in a toaster or in a sandwich maker. An oven is also suitable. You will receive sweet crackers for tea.
Read also: What to cook with eggs left over after Easter: three best salad recipes
You can also grease the slices of paska with butter, put a slice of hard cheese between them and heat them in a sandwich maker until golden brown. Such a sandwich will be soft and chewy inside, and crispy on top.
But the chefs of the website "This is a taste" suggest frying slices of paskha in a pan to get sweet croutons.
- To do this, cut the beeswax into slices. Beat an egg with 100 ml of milk (you can add a pinch of salt or a tablespoon of sugar).
- Heat the butter in a pan.
- Dip the pieces of strips in eggs beaten with milk and put them in a hot pan.
- Fry on both sides for a few minutes.
- Transfer the croutons to a plate lined with paper towels. If desired, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar.
Read also: Surprise everyone: How to cook pickled eggs in just a day
We also offer a recipe for a light soup that should be cooked to relieve the body after the holidays.
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