
How many roses should be in a bouquet and who should be given a different number of flowers: signs and superstitions

Ihor Romanko

What do 3, 7, 10 or 13 roses in a bouquet mean
What do 3, 7, 10 or 13 roses in a bouquet mean

Roses are one of the most popular and beautiful flowers to choose as a gift or for your own garden.

Different colours of roses carry different symbolic messages, but the number of these flowers in a bouquet is no less important. According to popular belief, each number of roses has its own symbolism and meaning. Telegraph writes about it.

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A single rose in a bouquet means "love at first sight" or "you are still the only one". It is a simple yet elegant way to express your affection or gratitude.

Two roses in a bouquet symbolise "mutual love and affection". This bouquet is perfect for a couple celebrating their anniversary or just wanting to reinforce their feelings.

Three roses in the bouquet express the words "I love you". This option is a traditional gift for a three-month anniversary or just a way to say "I care about you".

Seven roses in a bouquet symbolise "enchantment" or "adoration". You can express your admiration and delight with such an exquisite compliment.

Ten roses in a bouquet means "you are perfect". This is a great way to tell someone that you appreciate their qualities and character. After 10 roses, an even number of flowers no longer has a special sacred meaning, so bouquets of 12 or 14 roses can also be gifts.

Eleven roses in a bouquet symbolise "you are my dearest person". It is a strong expression of your love and respect.

Thirteen roses in a bouquet mean "eternal friendship" or "secret admirer". They can be a great gift for a friend or girlfriend, as well as for someone who wants to tell you something. It is worth noting that the number thirteen has a mysterious meaning and in some beliefs has a negative meaning, but this does not apply to this case with flowers.

When choosing roses for a special person, you should be guided by your feelings and mood. Each colour has its own symbolic meaning, and the right roses can express your feelings and emotions. It is better to give roses in person, looking into the eyes of the recipient, as this will give a more intimate and warm character to your gift, and it will be somewhat different from the cold impersonal way of sending flowers by mail or courier.

We would like to remind you that prohibitions and prejudices in Ukraine have played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural identity. Therefore, UAportal tells about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.

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