Gardeners advise planting hydrangea to drive slugs out of the garden

Slugs and snails cause damage to gardens by destroying seedlings and eating the leaves of large plants. There are chemical solutions that act as effective repellents, but there is a more natural way to get rid of pests.
Some plants have developed natural defenses against slugs and snails. They can produce bitter substances or poisons that make snails and slugs avoid them, according to
If gardeners want to get rid of slugs but also pay attention to aesthetics, hydrangeas are the perfect solution. Hydrangeas create an excellent barrier against slime pests.
Read also: Five plants that should never be planted next to hydrangeas: gardeners' tips
Not only does lavender look and smell great but it also works great as a snail and slug repellent. Experts say that pests are frightened by the strong aroma of this plant.
Euphorbia plants contain sap that imparts a bitter taste that slugs and snails simply cannot digest. Gardeners ensure that pests avoid these plants.
The scent of rosemary can repel slugs and snails that enter gardens. Although many people like its aroma, the same cannot be said for slugs and snails.
Earlier, we shared what you need to know about plants that should not be grown with tomatoes so as not to attract pests, reduce nutrients or make tomatoes sick.
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