
Oil transit through "Druzhba" pipeline will stop in 2025 – Podoliak

Maria Tsikhotska

Oil transit through 'Druzhba' pipeline will stop in 2025 – Podoliak
Ukraine to stop transit of Russian oil in January

Starting from January 2025, the transit of Russian oil through the "Druzhba" pipeline will stop in Ukraine.

This was announced by Mykhailo Podoliak, Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, in an interview with News.Live.

"In addition to gas, the "Druzhba" oil pipeline will also cease operations on January 1, 2025," he said.

"Some European countries, such as Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, have been receiving Russian oil through this pipeline. However, according to the EU resolution, these countries must diversify their oil supplies and stop transiting through Ukraine. This also applies to gas, Podoliak said.

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