Apricot juice recipe for the winter

This juice according to the recipe from poradum.com.ua is very quick to prepare and has a pleasant taste.
Apricots - 1 kilogram;
Sugar - 250 grams.
Read also: Easy and quick dessert: a recipe for charlotte with cherries
Method of preparation:
1. Wash the fruit, cut it in half and remove the seeds;
2. Apricots can be chopped with a blender or left in halves, add a glass of water and cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes;
3. The mixture is ready when the fruit is completely cooked or even boiled;
4. Now the mixture must be filtered, the easiest way to do this is with cheesecloth, it is quick and convenient, there should be several layers of cheesecloth so that particles of the mixture do not get into the drink;
5. Split a few bones, dip the kernels in boiling water for about a minute;
6. Add sugar and prepared kernels to the mixture;
7. Keep the mixture on the fire until the first bubbles begin to appear, which means that the drink begins to boil, the sugar should dissolve;
8. Now you need to remove the kernels from the mixture;
9. Pre-wash the jars and pour the hot mixture into them;
10. Then the jars should be placed in a large container, filled with water and boiled for about 20 minutes;
11. When the time is up, turn off the stove and leave the jars in the water until they cool completely.
We also recommend that you pay attention to the recipe for honey jam made from nectarines.
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